I created Raven's Shire to make your world a little more magical by bringing the world of fairies and fairy tales to you.
Article by Ty Hulse
My Books
Writers Guide to Fairies, Witches and Vampires

Discover the emotions, personalities, and motivations of the most compelling characters in Fairy Tales. Fairies are some of the most compelling characters in fairy tales, yet few people understand them. From fairy refugees to blood thirsty vampires this book takes you on a journey to discover what drove these characters, where they came from, and what they wanted. Using folk belief and lore to explore the first fantasy stories, which are likely far stranger and more astounding than you ever imagined, this book will help you to understand; Who fairies such as Rumpelstiltskin, The Seven Dwarfs, and Cinderella's 'Godmother' were, where they came from, and what they wanted. What drove vampires to slaughter tens of millions of people, What compelled witches to act both good and evil so that people, both feared and loved them, And much, much more...
From Celtic Fairies to Romanian Vampires
Like a word stuck on the tip of your tongue that you can't quite remember, fairy tales aggravate us with deeper meanings we're almost certain we know, but can’t quite recall. For just enough of the old fairy faiths survive within them to tantalize us with their forgotten mysteries; teasing us with a hidden past filled with dark guardians to the underworld, bright and beautiful fairies, and long winters nights people feared would never end. There is still a mysterious heart to fairy tales, giving us a peek into a primal world, beckoning us to recall old traditions. This book will seek to explore these old traditions, to answer questions about the hidden origins of fairy tales. “From Celtic Fairies to Romanian Vampires,” this book will take you on a journey to understand fairy tales which are likely far stranger and more beautiful than you ever imagined.
I used to think that Magick and Fairy Tales only happened in rural areas. Then I began to read Charles de Lint's books and discovered that fairies and magic can live any place. Huzzah to all those who inspire us with the written word! It is through stories and books that I am able to travel to far-off lands.
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