Article by Ty Hulse
First it's important to understand that the ballads most movies are based on are corruptions of the later ballads, which are corruptions of the original ballads, which are probably based on even older stories.
The truth is that the original King Richard was a French Man and he was overtaxing the people to pay for his badly managed Crusade. So Robin Hood's support for Richard is likely propaganda which occurred much later.
So who was Robin Hood?
And why is he wearing a dress?
Before the first Robin Hood ballad there were a group of socialist rebels in England who wore dresses and called themselves servants to the Queen of the Fairies.
Hundreds of years before in Southern France a man was possessed by fairies and made to rob from the rich to give to the poor.
See the fairies often called on people throughout Europe to Rob from the Rich and Give to the poor. To rebel against the nobility...
Later many of these stories were altered so that instead of The Queen of the Fairies these men were said to worship The Virgin Mary...
In the first Ballad which was written about Robin Hood he is praying to The Virgin Mary when a priest sees him and goes and tells the sheriff to arrest him...
So Robin Hood is a servant of The Virgin Mary but an enemy of the Church...... Or at least the corrupt elements of the church...
But that still begs the question; Why is Robin Hood Wearing a dress???
Well, remember how I said the woodsmen in France was possessed by the fairies...
That was a typical way for people to gain power.
To be possessed by a spirit, most often of the opposite gender.
Gender bending itself is a common feature of European Shamanism...
Odin The shaman King of the Norse Gods was accused of being to much like a woman and driven out by the other deities...
This has been a typical part of European Lore for a long time.
See in order to be a Shaman someone has to exist outside of social norms...
Often that means being both male and female, at least socially.
There is more too it, however.
Again one has to be possessed by a spirit to gain a shamans powers. And most often people were possessed by spirits of the opposite gender..
Men were often possessed by female spirits and women by male spirits.
Sometimes this possession was a bit like a marriage...
But it also meant that sometimes the shaman, in this case Robin Hood had the mind of a woman, or The Queen of the Fairies.
Though being in the forest it was likely very helpful to have aid from the Queen of the Fairies...
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