Thursday, August 7, 2014

3 Fairy Archetypes

Article by Ty Hulse

Peter Pan Fairy Archetypes

There are many childish fairies, playful and curious, they tend to live on a constant roller coaster of emotions, going from extremely rambunctious highs to terrible fit throwing lows very quickly.

Adventurous these fairies love taking risks, love to cause mischief and trouble.

They constantly need to be the center of attention and crave positive feedback from others, which leads them to be show offs.

Ainsel of Northern England is a good example of this. A soot covered fairy who bursts out down chimneys to play with, and show off for, human children.

The Mocachicchio of Italy are also another good example. These fairies love to play with human children, especially games in which they can act the part of the leader. When things don't go their way they can quickly become demanding and rude, and when things really don't go their way they become emotionally overwhelmed and begin weeping.

Fate Bringers

Filled with powerful and often overwhelming emotions, fate bringers are the most extreme version of the artist archetype. Unlike human artists who are limited to telling stories or painting pictures, fairies manipulate the fate, the story of humanity is their greatest art. The they can create the story of "Sleeping Beauty," rather than having to tell it.

Banshee's are a good example of this fairy. Ancestral spirits who are so in love with their human family that they cry until their eyes turn red when they learn that someone they love is going to die. They do not cause this death, however, instead they bring the gifts of poetry and greatness to their family members.

The fairies of "Sleeping Beauty" were another example of this archetype. Happy to help, but also so easily offended they were willing to curse a baby to die. 

Water Mothers

Water mothers love purity, beauty and serenity above all else, which makes them extremely important for villages which need a clean source of water. Dwelling in pools they have a naturally caring nature, helping the people of the village almost as they would children. Yet their sensitive nature means that they are easily offended by swearing, by immoral behavior, and most of all filth. The Rusalka, for example, were so offended by immorality that they left their homeland to find a new place to live.

The "But Aba" of the Mari-El are a good example of this fairy. Choosing to adopt a village keep the lake or river clean for the people to drink, most of the time. If they get too upset however they became depressed and listless. In this state they allow the lake to grow filthy, requiring the people to give the gifts (porridge or the blood of a black hen are common though fishermen often give them vodka as well).

She loves to engage the people of her village, so when new wives move to the village they would introduce themselves to the lake and give it a little porridge. Further at various times of the year the village would have a feast by the lake in her honer.