According to
Sara Graça da Silva and Jamshid J. Tehrani's research the Rumpelstiltskin stories are likely over 2500 years old, and possibly as old as the Indo-European's life on the Steppes 6000 years ago. Most of the stories related to Rumpelstiltskin involve a fairy being trying to take the woman to be his wife. In fact the version taken down by the Brother's Grimm, the story of "Rumpelstiltskin" is the only story I know of where the fairy wants a baby. This begs the question "Why is this story different?"
It may of
course be that Rumpelstiltskin is different because the woman who told it to
the Brothers Grimm, being educated, changed it. It may be that they changed it.
However, this article presumes that the story is different because of regional
Like many fairy
tales, “Rumpelstiltskin” is a story that is without a character which we can
define as pure or innocent. Rather, it’s a story of two obviously wicked
characters in the form of the father who lies to and thus ends up getting his
daughter in a lot of trouble with the king who is a greedy man who cares about
nothing but the gold he can get out of the miller’s daughter. Not all the
characters are wicked, of course. The miller’s daughter clearly isn’t evil when
she agrees to give a baby to a strange man, just desperate. She has been forced
into an inescapable predicament by the two men in her life that she should be
able to trust above anyone else, her father and her future husband. Clearly
this situation puts her in a space between. She is not yet a fiancé, yet she is
no longer free in that regard. She is trapped in a prison, but an honored
guest. She is between being a member of her father’s house, the executioner,
and the king’s household. It is at this moment when she is trapped; pulled by
so many worlds that the fairy appears.
One of the
premier experts on the history of European witch mythology and lore, Emma
Wilby, believes that fairytales such as Rumpelstiltskin represent the idea of
the familiar spirit, or shamanistic helping spirit, which comes to people in
times of desperation and liminal moments. In such stories the familiar or
helping spirit will either offer to aid the person or will demand that they
work for them. We see this in a number of stories similar to ‘Rumpelstiltskin’.
In England’s
Tom Tit Tot’, a small creature with a tale, the conversation between the girl
who must spin for the king or die and the fairy goes;
"tell me
what you're a-crying for."
won't do me no good if I do," says she.
"You don't
know that," that said, and twirled that's tail round.
says she, "that won't do no harm, if that don't do no good," and she
upped and told about the pies, and the skeins, and everything.
"This is
what I'll do," says the little black thing, "I'll come to your window
every morning and take the flax and bring it spun at night."
your pay?" says she.
That looked out
the corner of that's eyes, and that said: "I'll give you three guesses
every night to guess my name, and if you haven't guessed it before the month's
up, you shall be mine.
Notice that
there is no mention of a baby in this story. Nor is there any mention in most of
the dozen other similar fairy tales except for the fairytale ‘Zirkzirk’. In
most such fairy tales the fairy creature asks for the woman themselves. Again,
this makes sense if we think of this story in terms of a helping or familiar
spirit seeking to obtain a potential shamanistic figure’s service. Of course,
many people didn’t want to be shamans or witches and would resist the fairy’s
It is telling
that the woman in these stories is often unable to perform what were considered
‘normal’ tasks, that they are in some ways outsiders in their community – who are
expected to act in a way that is magical. Those who worked with the spirits/fairies
often acted in ways that failed to conform to the larger society, being dirty,
wild, and or lazy.
It isn’t atypical,
however, for the people who are called by the fairies and spirits to resist
their call. After all, to work for the spirits, to be a shaman or witch, is to
live on the margins of society, especially in Christian Europe. Even in Asia
and Siberia, however, many would try to get out of becoming a shaman, and the
spirits would torment them until they gave in, unless they could find some way
to gain power over the spirits and drive them off.
In any case the
initiation of a new shaman/witch and the love of a fairy could cause madness. In
Georgia, for example, the forest goddess Dali’s love and attention caused a man
to go mad, he would tear his clothes and scratch himself, wandering around in
the forest alone (Meskhia). Pocs, 2009 states of new witch shamans that
“Such a person
becomes weak or ill, either physically or mentally. If they survive, they have
the power of healing, soothsaying, and the ability to contact the afterworld.
This motif may be found in a number of tales of South Slavic and the Balkan
peoples as well as those from Central Europe.

South Slavic
folktale “Stanko and the Fairy” narrates about a shepherd named Stanko, who
played beautifully on his shepherd’s flute. When the Angelus bell tolled he did
not start to pray but instead played the melody on his flute, and was punished.
A Fairy appeared before him, and from that moment on he could not find peace
any more. The fairy was following him like a shadow, even when he ate or slept.
Neither the priest nor the witch doctor could help him. Totally deranged…
People who had
been lured to remote places by the fairies returned to their homes only with
great difficulty and were physically or mentally afflicted.”
Given this we
can think of the stories of guessing at a supernatural being’s name as a sort
of moral on how to escape a forced relationship with the supernatural beings.
Why a Baby?
It is rare in the
‘Rumpelstiltskin’ like stories for the fairy to want a baby, as already stated
they are more likely to want the woman themselves. Obviously, fairies often did
want human children. Briggs in “The Vanishing People” states that “One of the
earliest of the traditions about fairies is that they coveted and stole children
(and adults)… Women were stolen to be wet nurses to fairy children or to human
babies taken into fairyland, young men with special talents, musicians and
singers or those beloved by fairy women…. The fairies seem to have been shy
breeders… and they were always anxious to revive their powers with a human
Briggs was talking about British and not German fairies, but Germany too has
numerous stories about fairy like beings coveting human labor and lusting after
Yet typically when
a fairy wanted someone for nefarious purposes, they simply kidnapped them.
Fairy tales are full of people being kidnapped by fairies to work for them, to
be their mates, etc. Yet this particular “männlein,” as the German text
designates, Rumpelstiltskin, despite outward appearances doesn’t just take the
Again, most
fairies in stories don’t ask for the child they want, instead they simply take
it. Rumpelstiltskin, however, despite being clearly able to sneak into a
prison, being able to weave magic doesn’t just take the child as he obviously
could. He tries to get the girl to accept giving the baby to him. What’s more,
even after he comes to collect the child, he decides to give her another chance
to escape her agreement with him.
that during the time this story takes place children were left in the forests
in droves or orphaned on the streets, Rumpelstiltskin could have taken hundreds
of children easily, and taking them would have been an act of kindness as
Rumpelstiltskin would have been rescuing them from starvation. He doesn’t just
want any baby then. What he wants is this particular baby. Indeed, by his own
words, this baby is more precious to him than all the treasures in the world.
W know then
that this particular baby is precious to Rumpelstiltskin for some reason. This
leaves us with the question; Why does Rumpelstiltskin want the baby in the
first place? To answer these questions, we must examine what fairies are as
well as a few other fairy tales. Let us begin by placing Rumpelstiltskin into
the possible categories of fairy to see where he might fit, or if he even has a
place as all fairies don’t necessarily seem to.
Possibility 1 -
Rumpelstiltskin is an ancestor spirit or a forgotten god.
Jack Zipes echoes
Eliade’s belief that “fairy tales are mythic morals after the religious ideas
became taboo to talk about.” Fairy tales, according to Zipes, include the
concept that; “Since myth narrates the deeds of supernatural beings, it sets
examples for human beings that enable them to codify and order their lives. By
enacting and incorporating myths in their daily lives, humans are able to have
a genuine religious experience.”
Spinning itself was a magical act, there are stories of women using spun thread to block the passage of vampires, or to protect themselves from dangerous fairies that were seeking to harm them. Spinning was associated with the figures who controlled the fates of people, and with many of the most powerful goddesses. After all, spinning and weaving predate farming, meaning the idea of deities that worked thread and clothes predates the idea of a deity associated with the earth and the fertility of crops. Zipes states that “A common wish was a good marriage obtained through skill at spinning, through productivity and the ability to make excess well. In equal measure these tales reflect the fear of being bad at spinning, at being clumsy and the social shame that came with this. Indeed, many are the deific figures that would punish women who were slow at their spinning. As with many fairy tale figures these women had to use cleverness and help to overcome their lack of skill.”
It was common for the most important goddess figures of the Alps to encourage spinning and punish those who were lazy or bad with their work.
In my book “I Writer’s Guide to Spirit Journeys and Fairies” I note that;
“there were in fact two separate types of spirit journeys which have both come to be called wild hunts, and often confused for each other. The first of these is the trooping journey, in which witches would join chthonic goddess figures in trooping around the countryside. These goddesses were not usually connected with fertility, but were instead connected with the spirits of the dead, and household chores such as spinning. In Scotland this figure was Nicnevin, the queen of the fairies, on the borders between England and Scotland she was Gyre Carling, in Tyrol she was Perchta, and in Northern Germany Holda. She was also known by numerous other names in numerous other regions. In essence she was the queen of the witches, leading them along with troops of the dead and unborn children on hunts through the sky on holidays. She was in the habit of punishing lazy women who did not complete their spinning fast enough, while rewarding hardworking ones. This goddess, and by extension the wild hunt she led was ambivalent.”
Wilby states of the goddesses who lead the wild hunt that; “she possessed the same ambivalence seen so clearly in the tribal dark shaman and the spirits he emulates, with a witch from Val di Fiemme claiming, for example, that when her mistress ‘‘journeys through the air she has two patches around her eyes, one on each side, so that she cannot see anything: and if she were able to see everything she would do great harm to the world.’’
Rumpelstiltskin fits the idea of this wild and ambivalent deity figure. For he is at once threatening and helping. Rumpelstiltskin is a teacher and guide. According to Zipes “he is more a prophet or miracle-maker, who makes a straightforward bargain, and when he returns to receive the firstborn child, he offers another deal in the form of a riddle to see if she has perhaps become smarter than she was before.” (Jack Zipes)
So, while at first glance the idea that Rumpelstiltskin might be a god seems preposterous, it’s important to keep in mind that many fairy tales are about previous pagan gods and moral values that are now taboo to speak of. Now consider that Merlin was raised by a fairy as was Malagigi the wizard who aided Charlemagne in myth. King Arthur was taken by Merlin who saw his future before he was even born, and Lancelot was taken and raised by fairies as well. This might mean then that Rumpelstiltskin is after the child because he sees the child’s future or at least its potential future. This particular baby is not just that of the woman’s after all but also that of a king, and so is the future king just as King Arthur was. Thus, Rumpelstiltskin doesn’t just want any baby he wants to raise, or have someone else raise a king, while removing the child and future king from what is quite possibly a long line of tyrants or, at the very least, from his currently greedy father. We see something similar happen in a French fairy tale in which a fairy tells the king and queen:
“If I left him (your son) to you to bring up... you would be certain to make him as foolish as yourselves. I do not even intend to let him know that he is your son.”
So at least in one incidence a fairy claims to be removing a child from their parents to help ensure that they are raised properly. While one can’t always trust fairies, of course, we must again recall that the fairies don’t have to give any explanation. They can just take the child if they want it and leave. Further, we must also consider that because Rumpelstiltskin may potentially be able to see the future, that he is actually after the child he knows he loves more than “all the treasures in the world.” As an ancestor or deity, he could be either the child’s grandfather or seeking a way to help his descendants by putting a better king on the throne.
Possibility 2 - Rumpelstiltskin is the spirit of a conquered people or one of their gods. In this possibility, Rumpelstiltskin might be after a mixture of revenge or is attempting to help his people rise up to their former glory by raising the future king of the land. In this he could be a Merlin-like figure of a conquered people who, just as Malagigi the wizard of Charlemagne’s court, was later derided as a devil by later people. Rumpelstiltskin might be a hero to a conquered people still hiding in the woods thus making him an enemy to the kingdom.
Possibility 3 - Rumpelstiltskin is a nature spirit or a simply a unique fairy. It is more challenging to understand the reason a nature spirit or unique fairy would be interested in a specific human child except that perhaps they are aware that they do love the child because of divination. Another possibility comes to us from the story of Powell in Wales in which a human king aids the fairies by slaying an enemy they couldn’t. Thus, it’s conceivable that a nature fairy could desire to take a specific child because it knows that it loves or could help that child.
Possibility 4 - Rumpelstiltskin is a devil/fallen angel or witch. Although I’ve chosen to leave this theory of fairy nature out of this book because it is a much later addition to the fairy theory and so ultimately doesn’t fit within a book explaining the motivations of fairies in more original traditions, it is still conceivable that Rumpelstiltskin is meant by the storytellers to be a devil trying to tempt the girl into the sin of giving away her child. Ultimately, however, while this idea could be workable, after thousands of years of Christianizing the people, telling this story would likely jump on the opportunity to accuse a creature of being a devil if they thought it was so.
Through this simple review we can now see that Rumpelstiltskin is after the baby for four possible reasons:
1 - Rumpelstiltskin wants the baby because he knows that he loves him.
2 - He sees the baby’s future and realizes that it can be a good king finally bringing peace to the land of his ancestors.
3 - He seeks revenge or a way to protect his fallen people.
4 - He knows he’ll need the baby’s help at some future date.
To understand which of these answers makes sense, we must again find an answer to the question: Why doesn’t Rumpelstiltskin just take the baby? Again, there are a number of possible answers which present themselves:
1- Rumpelstiltskin doesn’t simply take the baby in order to mock the miller’s daughter. It’s possible, of course, given the capricious nature of fairies that Rumpelstiltskin is simply teasing the girl, mocking her as mischievous fairies often do. However, if this is the case, why not simply take the child even if she is successful in guessing his name? Or better yet, why even give her that possibility in the first place? Perhaps as a way to mock her further, for he assumes she’ll fail.
2- Rumpelstiltskin seeks to lead the miller’s daughter into sin. The girl is the only good character in the story. If Rumpelstiltskin can get her to give her child to a devil, then he has caused her to sin. The problem with this theory, however, is that if his goal is to cause her to sin, why give her any chance to redeem herself? Why not simply take the child as per their first agreement? Further, why would he suspect the devil of telling the girl his name as he accused when she discovered it if doing so would cause him to lose her soul? In general, this answer makes no sense, so it further eliminates the possibility that he is a devil or fallen angel.
3- Rumpelstiltskin has a conflict. Rumpelstiltskin knows what he needs to do; he knows that he can make the kingdom better, gain help from the child, have a child of his own, etc., but he has a conflict about his method of doing it. So he doesn’t simply want to take the child from its mother. He wants her to accept the loss. In the end, however, he realizes that this is impossible and so he symbolically tears himself in two, ripping his dual nature in half.
4- Rumpelstiltskin is after something more than the child. In a similar story, that of Tim Tom Tat, a little, hairy creature offers to weave for a girl in return for her. In a similar vein, it’s possible that Rumpelstiltskin is hoping by giving the girl a second chance to save the baby he’ll be able to make her feel so defeated that she agrees to come with him. In this case, he is after both the future king and the queen.
5-In another similar story, the Scottish Rumpelstiltskin Whuppity Stoorie tells the girl that fairy law requires that they give the girl three days to guess her name. This is a confusing requirement as, again, fairies take babies without asking all the time. So why do they have to give a person the chance to get out of it unless there is something else at play because of the girl or the child’s relationship to the fairy world?
It seems most likely, given all the possibilities, that Rumpelstiltskin gives the girl a chance to get out of giving him the child because he is in a conflict about what he’s doing. Recalling also that fairies can be multi-natured, we must also consider the possibility that part of him is perhaps trying to force the other part of him to allow the girl to keep the child because he feels sorry for her. This makes even more sense considering what Rumpelstiltskin is. The German version of the Rumpelstiltskin’s fairy tale uses the word “männlein” to represent him.
Männleins in fairy tales have a history of helping girls marry the prince. In the story of “The Three Männlein of the Woods” a young girl is sent by her evil stepmother into the snowy forest to pick strawberries. As she searches for a way to complete her impossible task, she stumbles upon a cottage of three männlein who, in return for her kindness, make gold coins fall from her mouth whenever she speaks, cause her to grow ever more beautiful, and bless her that she’ll marry the king. In other tales, männlein offer advice to princes, or to young men, in order to help them rescue a kingdom and save the princesses.
Männleins appear as knowledgeable. They are the creators of fate. Rumpelstiltskin himself is so good at spinning he can spin straw into gold, spinning ultimately being the activity used to help control fate. Rumpelstiltskin was also showed just when the girl needed him and is also capable of doing the impossible to help her. So, he clearly is able to manipulate the future. What we must presume then is that, at least to an extent, Rumpelstiltskin is attempting to create fate. However, neither his ability to tell when someone needs his help nor his ability to do the impossible prevents him from giving the girl the chance to get out of having her baby taken from her. So obviously he’s in a conflict about what he’s doing. So, it’s likely that like the other Männlein he is kind and is essentially attempting to make the world a better place. However, in doing so he has stepped outside of his usual role of helping damsels in distress and princes on quests and is now trying to steal a prince from a damsel in distress.
Rumpelstiltskin then is most likely some form of deity or ancestor spirit seeking to help his people by raising a king who will actually be good and a child which he loves. Unfortunately, in order to do this properly he must play the role of a villain, a role at least half of his dual nature is not comfortable with. This is why he tries at first to give the miller’s daughter a chance to keep her baby.
My Book on fairies in which I break down fairies by their motivations, their character traits, etc, instead of by where they lived.
Fairies are some of the most compelling characters in fairy tales, yet few people understand them. From fairy refugees to blood thirsty vampires this book takes you on a journey to discover what drove these characters, where they came from, and what they wanted.
Amazing! I was contemplating just this topic today, and low you have the answer! Providence!
Thanks, I'm happy to know the article helped. I've been spending a long time trying to understand fairies as if they have a motivation because while most people now don't necessarily think they exist people once did.
The "Rumpelstiltskin conflict" analysis is superb. It really got me thinking.
Extremely well written analysis. I myself have always been fascinated with this story because of how in the dark we are in regards to Rumplestilskins motives. Your points have given me a broader scope onto the possibilities of his actions and I appreciate that. It really challenges me to think deeper about this wonderful story.
I don't agree with this analysis.
Fairy Tales were written for simple people. And usually taught some lesson about the dangers to avoid or the consequences of a difficult decision.
I would say that Rumpelstilskin saw a damsel in distress. He offered to help. The more he helped the more he wanted to conquer her sexually.
Whether this was the original intention of the man is not clear. The adage of men want to conquer women or make them their mothers.
Maybe, it was the unwritten rule of the age regarding relationships between men and women--that when you depend on someone or ask a man for help you have to give something back-your virginity (first baby-since women weren't supposed to have sex before marriage back then).
Her father lies to the king and then leaves his daughter helpless. Sexual slavery or providing heirs to the throne. Here is my daughter she will make you a lot of money or give you heirs if you take her (or maybe he means purchase her.)
the daughter is not able to perform the functions or tasks the king requires in a wife--so naturally the man takes out his anger at being misled by the father on the daughter. and has no more use for her. kinda like anne boleyn not producing a male heir for henry the 8th. or maybe she's just boring and uninteresting to him.
rumple is the solution. he either has relations with her to produce an heir. or he teaches her how to be less boring.
now king is interested. agrees to marry her. ut oh-shes pregnant by someone else. or the other guy is attached to her but her eye is on the king.
rumple is in denial--gives her another chance by saying just remember me or do the work to find out who I am.
she does--but it means nothing she is going with the king anyway. rumple is used and bereft. the end.
sorry these fairy tales are to give people reality checks not engage their unrealistic romantic fantasies....:)
Hello Jennifer
Perhaps growing up with Yupik people changed my perceptions because while they didn't have writing until semi-recently they had complex stories about the nature of the world, about religion, etc.
For example there many stories about how the world was created, and lets not forget the stories which King Arthur was based on. None of which were necessarily meant to teach a moral.
Calling any people 'simple' is insulting, because although people weren't necessarily educated in the modern sense they still were able to think a lot and had lots of philosophical concerns. When the Roman's encountered the illiterate Germanic and Celtic people's they were shaken to the core to learn that much of their philosophy was the same. Indeed the "Poetic Edda," the Hindu's "Vedas," "The Bible," the texts on which Shintoism is based, "The Iliad and The Odyssey" and more all came out of folktales told by people with little or no education.
Indeed no matter where you go people contemplate the nature of the world, and tell stories about the major players involved in it. Of course Europe had an interesting situation in which many of these stories began to drift over time as Christianity took over, so meanings were lost. Worse still literature perverted many stories so it's difficult to tell exactly what they might originally have meant.
In terms of the possibility that it was an unwritten rule that a girl would have to give up her virginity in return for help, this wasn't necessarily the case. Of course there could easily have been the concern about accepting gifts from strangers. Though at the same time many girls in fairy tales are successful doing just that. Indeed accepting kindness is most often the only way for Fairy Tale heroes to succeed (Think of Snow White who receives help from the Seven Zwerg which are closely related to what Rumpelstiltskin was, or the girl who received help from Rumpelstiltskin like characters in "The Three Men in the Wood.") It's true that the British version of this story has the creature wanting to take the girl... However, the German version and the British version influenced each other but the characters are wholly different. Further if the Germanic version had been about Rumpelstiltskin seeking sex, it's likely it would have been stated at least a little more symbolically. In one Swiss Tale the little men told a girl that she would have to sleep with them in return for help, the wolf told Little Red Riding Hood to take off her clothes and throw them in the fire. Girls having to protect their virginity was an acceptable theme, one which was a little more overtly stated.
If this is a morality tale it's most likely one concerned with accepting help from fairies. Many early Missionaries told stories about how fairies were related to devils and fallen angels and that they tried to trick people. These were in turn retold until they influenced or became fairy tales themselves.
I have three concerns with this... The first is that Rumpelstiltskin acts differently than these by caring about living things and of course giving the girl a chance to get out of it. The second is that Rumpelstiltskin in a fury accuses the girl of working with the devil (if he was a devil why would he think that?)
Finally Missionary tales were an alteration of original ideas. So if this is a warning tale against fairies what was the original story about?
Not sure but the 3 day thing could be a law or a mockery of the holy trinity.
If he was to lead her to sin by the 3rd day, then it would be in insult to God.
But i do not like the idea of him being truly evil, because the stories i heard he cant stand to see her cry, it forces him to.
Marving -
That's an interesting idea, I hadn't thought of. Though I agree I don't tend to think of him as evil. Like most spirits at that time I tend to think of him as having multiple natures.
Thanks for the insight...I'm a toastmaster working in the storytelling advanced manual. This helps put the fairy tale in perspective!
Another good theory
Is it possible that the Miller and Rumpelstiltskin are one and the same, sort of along werewolf lines and that he/they planned the whole thing? This would resonate with the man splitting in two at the end.
Hello Susan,
Yes it's very possible that the miller would be involved. Millers were often considered magical beings, witches, so it may be that he was involved in the magical aspects of this story. The story, however, specifically refers to Rumpelstiltskin as a fairy, so if the miller was involved it's likely that they were working together, rather than one and the same. There are, however, some few people whose familiar spirit is the spirit of an ancestor. An uncle or in this case perhaps a father.
Love all these comments and this posts I always love this story I see Rumpelstiltskin as a Hero one who has no motive unlike as he is a fairy so he needs no motive no hidden evil his is doing a kind. And takes pity.
Is it possible that Rumpelstiltskin is used as a story to explain why fairies no longer talk to parents when they take the babies left out in the woods? For instance, the moral might be: Fairies used to deal with humans for babies but it always made a mess of things so now fairies prefer to take the babies silently, without human interaction.
I know it's 2016, years after your blog post, but would still like to know what you think.
Really like your post. Thanks!
From research I did. Rumpelstiltskin was actually a Hobgoblin. Not some little pipsqueak like the Grimms bros version. And I know what he wanted the baby for. But it won't be revealed until I finish writing both the Anthology and matching music EP, "Fairy tales of Murder and Mayhem" by Slippery When Wet. These tales have all been so sanitized for the middle class. They were originally great and gruesome tales
Hello Linda,
I do agree that many of the tales were horror stories, especially as specific warnings. I'm curious what reference you found that says Rumpelstiltskin wanted to eat the child. Most fairies wanted to make them slaves, wives, or offer them to hell. Of course almost every mention of männlein I've found makes them out to be nicer helpful spirits. Hobgoblins are most often kindly Welsh fairies that clean the house. Though they are annoying and fond of pranks. I suppose you could think of them as that obnoxious older brother. On occasion a hobgoblin would turn dangeorous, as all fairies occasionally do.
Still, as I said I'm curious what story or bit of lore you found that ever references a männlein eating a child?
What's Rumpelstiltskin up to in this story? Consider that 1) he gives gold to the miller's daughter, and she gives him a necklace and then a ring in exchange; 2) he tries to make a deal with her to get her first child, so it sounds like he wants to be cast in the role of father; and 3) he tries to give her his name; this is what still happens in (most) marriages today, the woman takes the man's name (even though he goofed this part of it up). To me these three things all say he wanted to marry her.
Now, Rumpelstiltskin has higher standards than the other two, since he says "something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world", and the other two are hung up on riches - the king wants the miller's daughter because of her gold, and the miller's daughter sets up an equivalence between life and money by trying to buy Rumpelstiltskin off with all the riches of the kingdom. But still Rumpelstiltskin seems like a bit of a klutz to me, because of the name goof-up and because he was willing to give so much help to a girl he didn't even know. So maybe the king and the miller's daughter deserved each other, and Rumpelstiltskin deserved what he got.
So I think the moral of the story is this: "Never give any money to a miller's daughter unless she actually deserves it. And stop shooting yourself in the foot."
Well, of course read it as a child and teenager never giving it this in depth.
My simple thought was he knew how deformed and ugly he was. This girl was between the devil and the hard place. Since he knew how to do this impossible task it was his chance to have an non deformed child to raise and love of his own.
And heart beat after heart beat, he desired this child he'd give her what he thought was the impossible task. Still it was honorably a slim chance.
Someone helped her out with the name. Not fair! NOT FAIR!
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