Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fairy List: T - Z

Fairy List

A-C      D-F      G-J     K-N      O-S      T-Z

Tahamaling (Philippines)
Red colored female spirits who live within trees and protect the animals and plants of the forest. For those who pay them respect and give them offerings they bring luck. For those who anger them they can cause great trouble indeed.

Tai Burra (Altaian)
Protective spirit referred to as cloudy eyes. (See Altaian Protective Spirits)

Taiga (Tuvan)
The northern forest which the shaman would ask to help heal someone.

Taimens (Thvinian)
A shaman helper spirit referred to as 'Wide mouthed Taimens.' Shamans helpers were the 'grim owners of the forest' they were protectors of the shaman when he battled evil spirits

Tamano No Maye (Japan)
A beautiful courtesan for the Emperor Konoe. She turned out to be an evil nine tailed Kitsune however.

Tangie (Orkney)
A sea-spirit which sometimes assumes the appearance of a horse, and at other times that of an old man

Tankerabogus, or Tantarabobus - A boogie man type figure used to scare children. In Scotland the word is a name for the fox.

Tanuki (Japan)
A Canine which looks like a raccoon, and so is often translated as 'raccoon dog.' In folklore they are mischievous creatures who lead people astray on mountain paths, or may even kill people. They are helpful to those who are kind to them, however.

Tapio (Finland)
Tapio was called the golden king of the forest, he had a mossy beard and a feathered hat of twigs from the fir trees. The wild animals were said to all belong to him as his flocks. Tapio was incredibly important to people not just because they needed his aid an approval when they went hunting in the woods but because they needed to pasture their cattle and sheep in the forests and so their livelihoods depended on Tapio and the other forest spirits graces.
Tapio was often very helpful, however offerings of salt were often necessary to get him to give up his animals to traps.
He and his family were said to live in secret forts made of wood and bone in the forests.

Tapio’s wife (Finland)
Tapio’s had an obvious dualism even having different names for her differing personalities. As a kind matron of hunters she was Mielikki, but when she didn’t care she was known as Kuurikki (the deaf), and was terrible in appearance wearing rags as she romed through the forest.
She is also known as Hongas or Hongatar 'Fir's daughter' and in this roll she has a hollow back (much like the forest spirits of Scandinvan mythology). She was known as Nyrkitar when she directed the forest cattle or the ermine, stoats and other furry creatures people might hunt.
When out of spirits and dejected she may have acquired the name of Nyrkitär. As director of the droves (juoni) of forest cattle, the mistress of the forest receives the appellation of Juonetar. As ermines, stoats, and other furry animals

Tapitar and Tyytikki (Finland)
Mentioned daughters of Tapio in a song but nothing else is said about them.

Tarans (Scotland)
Fairies who were thought to be children who died without being baptized.

Targəldəs (Mari-El)
A forest spirit, which is known as the misleader, is believed at times to be the spirit of an animal or human who died without a name. It roves the forests, meadows, fields and occasionally enters cities and villages, often in the form of a giant. 
It has the ability to change form into an animal or haystack or anything else it might wish.
Its laughs and shrieks frighten livestock.
It attempts to lure people off into unknown parts of the forest by calling out to them.
The Targəldəs tickles its victims to death.
They will put out campers fires, and frighten mushroom gatherers and berry pickers by riding them. 
In the forest it has a family and so it will prepare its own wedding feats with its extensive cattle.
When happy the targəldəs may warm itself by the fires of campers without doing them any harm.

Tellervo (Finland)
Fairy who wears a gold and silver dress

Tendo (Japan)
The spirit of a priest named Tendo which became a kami. Tendo's spirit resides in a forest on the island of Tsushima. People were afraid to enter this forest for fear of angering this spirit. Every once in a while people would hear him taking off in the forest, an event which created a whooshing sound soul loud it seemed as though the world were being torn apart. As more people moved into the village across from his forest these sounds stopped.

Tengu (Japan)
Originally crow headed people who lived in the forests they have come to look more and more human over time, though they have very long noses. They can be very dangerous or they can act as kami.

Tengeriin us (Mongolia)
Things which have been struck by lightning or meteorites which are believed to carry the power of the sky. In many ways one could imagine these as being like shamans of the natural world (trees, rocks, etc., which had become a shaman)

Tennin (Japan)
Spirits which take the form of unnaturally beautiful woman who wear beautiful five colored kimonos that give them the power to fly. Occasionally mortals will steal these and thus force the Tennin to become their wives.

Terrytop (Cornish)
Version of Rumpelstiltskin

Testar (Khakass)
Shaman's spirit helpers who aided him in his spirit journey.

Every person has a personal fairy with the power to take their life.

The Tiddy Ones (Lincolnshire)
Fen spirits that cause floods

Tikbalang (Philippines)
A humanoid creature with a horses head and feet, but the body and hands of a human. They would rape human woman who would give birth to more tikbalang. They also used their powers of illusion to make people see things that aren't real or to loose their way. They loved to use these powers in order to drive a person insane. When the rain falls while the sun is shining a pair of Tikbalangs are getting married.

Tió de Nadal (Catalan)
A Christmas spirit

Tolaeth (Welsh Fairy)
Ominous sounds which act as a death portent

Tom Dockin (Yorkshire)
a bogie having iron teeth, with which he devours bad children

Tom Poker (Britain)
a bogie who inhabits dark closets, holes under stairs, unoccupied cock- lofts

Tom Tit Tot (Britain)
A fairy tale similar to Rumpelstiltskin

Tomte (Scandinavia)
Helpful household fairies

Tongazy Testimonies (Kyzyl)
Disease causing spirits which the shamans had to deal with.

Topielica (Poland)
Evil spirits of young girls who drwned in dispair or who was murdered through drowning. She cries fo rhelp to young men who she drowns when they try to help her.

Toyol (Malaysia)
A spirit invoked from a dead human fetus, often used by its master to steal or cause mischief.

Trädandar (Nordic)
Tree spirits who were often worshiped as deities in their own right, as such they were given offerings of milk and beer. People would hear them talking in the rustling of the leaves. They could often be seen as beautiful women, owls, or as little people who danced on thre tree branches. They could give people ulcers.
The souls of the dead would pass into the tree, gaining new life as a tree spirit. In addition to females their was a an old man of the forest.

Trasgu (Spain)
A fairy likely of Celtic origin, it is a domestic spirit who is mischievous and nervous. Often represented as a tiny mand who limps with his right leg. He plays small paranks or even damages things when in a bad mood.

Trastolillu (Spain)
Household fairies, they are protectors of the home but like most other house fairies can also be very mischievous. They are black as soot with long black hair. They have little green eyes, twisted fangs, They typically dress in red cloaks made from bark and sewn up with ivy. They wear a white cap and carries a wood stick.

Trenti (Spain)
An imp like creature which is annoying but not dangerous. They live in deep forests where i resembles mushrooms, leaves and moss making it very difficult to spot him. Although they are typically hidden they will often jump out to scare walkers or even pull up the skirts of women.

Tremsemutter (German)
A spirit of the grain fields who is dreaded by children, for they believe that she kidnaps children.

Trows (Scotland)
A small troll like creature.

Tsukumogami (Japan)
Soul of what was once an inanimate object now turned animated.

Tsuraraonna (Japan)
A kinder snow woman who may seek shelter from people, though melts away when she takes a hot bath (look for the tale)

Tuatha De Danann (Irish)
The fairy folk of Ireland.

Tugarin Zmeyevich (Russia)
Dragon knight from the steppes

Tul aba (fire mother) (Mari-El)
Fire is pure and so it is the messanger which carries mens sacrifices to the gods.People aslo pray to the fire to protect them from evil spirits. Because fire is so pure it doesn’t tolorate any kind of pure so when someone toches it with something dirty, throws wood on it in an an agressive way, or spits at it it grows angry and causes illness.
To pasify and keep the fire happy people offer it black hens, or milk from a black cow. 

Tul bodəz (Mari-El)
Fire spirit which like the fire mother carries their offerings and messages to the gods. They also help to exersize evil from a hose through their smoke and a ritual. As with the fire mother the fire spirit cuases deseas in those who offend it and must then be placified.

Tuometar (Finland)
(Birdcherry) referred to as 'the short' preyed to for help herding cattle

Turupaykoa (Komi)
The personification of winter.

Tuyul (Indonesia)
A tiny creature with a bald head which sound a bit like chickens (but look like humans). They are used by people to steal money. They are the spirits of still born children or fetuses which died.

Tylwyth Teg  (Welsh Fairy)
The fairies of Wales

Uboże (Polish)
A caring home spirit which ensures the prosperity of a family. They are believed to be ancestral spirits.

Ukulan Tojon (Yakut)
The chief water spirit.

Clan tutelary spirits which would help with the harvest, protect peoples health, increase livestock, and aid in hhunting. People would sacrifice light colored horses to the Ul'gen. This horse could not be used for any kind of work, nor ever touched by a woman.

Upyr (Ukraine)
The Ukrainian vampire. They were sorcerer's (alive or dead) which killed people by sucking out their blood. They could also come from the spirits of the unclean dead. No matter which type of Upyr they have red faces. They snatch people from their homes and drink their blood, but must return to their grave at the first cocks crow. They also caused droughts, crop failures, epidemics, and so forth.

Urisk (Scotland)
Ugly but kind fairies which live near pools, they would at times seek out company but their appearance terrified everyone who saw them.

Ursitoare (Romania)
Fates which appear three nights after a child's birth to determine the direction their life will take.

Usan Khan or Uha Loson (Mongolia)
This spirit is the lord of the water.

Uspa (Tuvan)
Master of the lake who might curse those who defile water and is so powerful they are able to block the shamans eeren (helper spirits) from preventing his will. Thus to cure those he had made ill by Uspa offerings had to be made.

Utha (Mongolia)
A shaman's ancestor spirit which becomes an extra soul when they become a shaman.

Utkuchi (Altaian)
A messenger for Ul'gen who meets the shaman at the golden stake and blocks the shamans path to the highest levels of the upper world.

Utopiec (Poland)
An evil water spirit which are born from the souls of drowned babies and aborted fetuses. They lived in nearly any body of water such as those in roadside ditches and wells. They could also be responsible for floods, especially within fields and meadows.
They took the form of tall thin people with slippery green skin, an overly large head and dark hair. They appeared most often during a new moon and loved riddles, those who could not solve their riddles would be drowned.

Uzut (Tuleut)
beings which hurt people, causing them to become ill. They might also possess objects such as kettles.

Vakula (Komi)
The vakula appears as a vortex, a girl combing her long green hair, or a pike.
In the komi belief system water was the first element of the universe., it was what penetrated and bound everything else together. The Vakula would protect spawning fish, casting spears back at fishermen who attack them. They also attack and drown lonely travelers or fishermen. They will drive the fish from the boats of those fishing and attack people at watermills. They were easily offended and would be angered by those throwing stones into a pond, woman rinsing clothing, or shouting and loud noises near their pond. Those who did these things might suffer from a headache. Thus those who suffered headaches would go wash in the water and ask for forgiveness.
The Valkula rarely left the water but at times they would come up to feed their cattle on the sides of the lakes.
At times the Vakula could be very helpful. In one tale a vakula brought a fisherman to her underwater house and gave him a lot of money.

Vâlvă (Romania)
Fairies which lwalk over hilltops at night, their are amny types which can be good or evil. They can appear as shadows, black cats, or shapeshift if they so wish.

Russian Vampires
Undead, blood drinking monsters

Vântoase (Romania)
Female spirits of the wind which live in the forests, air and lakes. They travel around on a magical wagon causing dust storms or attacking children.

Vârcolac (Romania) 
A form of werewolf which eats the sun and the moon, thus causing lunar phases and eclipses. They are evil beings who disturb the natural order. When the moon is redish it's believed that it's from heavenly blood dripping from the Vârcolac's fangs. In order to travel into the heavens the Vârcolac must send his soul outside of his body, connecting them with Romania's Shamanistic past when men who took wolf form could either be protectors or dangers to the people.

Vasa (Komi)
A water spirit which could take on many forms, including a tall man dressed in green with green hair, or a powerful old gray bearded man. Sometimes he would come up onto the shore and than when he threw himself back into the water it would cause a storm and huge waves. Normally, however, he lived underwater in a world much like the human world, with rivers, lakes, cows, huts, forests and the like.
He might also appear as a giant pike, and in this form he would attack fishermen causing their own spears to turn back on them. They might also snag children or even adults in this form. The Vasa believed strongly in politeness, they would punish fishermen who swore by tearing up their nets. They would also punish those who threw trash into the water, or those who quarreled near their lakes or rivers.
In order to curry favor with the Vasa people would make him offerings of bread and butter every time they came to a lake or river to fish. They would also offer eggs, pancakes, and money to him. Those building watermills in his rivers would sacrifice a cat or a dog to him. They would also offer wine and other food as well to keep the mill safe.Those who did not do this would be drowned.
In one story the a woman who earned her livelihood through fishing. And in return for offerings the Vasa helped drive the fish too her. Eventually he came onto land and she had two sons with him.

Vavutar (Finland)
(twigs daughter) asked by the hunters to climb into trees and listen to the songs to see if they are suitable.

Vazh yöz (Komi)
The spirits of ancestors. Such spirits take a direct interest in the affairs of humans and can their presence can be detected in the gentle breeze, the opening and closing of doors and widows, etc. Often such events are believed to be warnings from the vazh that something bad is going to happen.
At times they may appear in animal form or in dreams in order to manipulate the world or speak with a person directly. Such spirits were prayed to at every meal, and for other events such as a harvest, a hunt, etc.

Verlyoko (Ukraine)
A dangerous killer, it is a one eyed forest monster  which is covered with hair.

Vette (Denmark)
According to Jacob Grimm these are female nature spirits, a form of wood nymph or wood wife.

Vidʹma (Ukraine)
A pale, wrinkly faced witch with a beak like nose, large greedy lips and motionless staring eyes. They steal milk from cows, cause illness by sucking human blood. They meet on bare mountain tops and are dualistic figures for they also symbolize the victory of light over darkness. They would use brooms for flying or a liquid which allowed them to fly without help, often through the chimney. They are also capable of returning from the dead to continue their to live on earth even after killed.

Vittra (Nordic)
A race of people which lives underground alongside humans and it was they who in legend taught people about agriculture and animal husbandry. They are said to heard their livestock through the mountains in summer time.

Vitsäri (Finland)
Drives game from her fathers hills and is somewhat comparable to the wind.

Vodyany (Russia)
The fairy king of water ways.

Fairies which control human fate

Vörsa (Komi)
The embodiment of the spirit of the forest. They were in essence the lords of the forest, often appearing as a bear, his voice could be heard in the owls cry. He could also take the form of a bird and so would often fly away from people with a great woosh. As with most such spirits it was also possible for him to take the form of a whirlwind. Though they also commonly appeard as a tall man in a black wolen coat. They lived in houses deep in the woods, and were typically accompanied by their dog.
They were the owners of the animals of the forest and so when they traveled somewhere for a time many of the animals would travel with them. He would punish those hunters who boasted about their skill and their number of kills. At the same time he would punish those who cursed their ill luck as well.
In order to be successful at hunting one was supposed to bring him gifts, leaving food on a tree stum p, often in the form of tobacco. Other times they would offer him fish cakes, eggs from a black hin, or even a dog which they would kill as a sacrifice.
Beyond this, however, he was a trickster figure, who loved to pull pranks on people. He would get people lost in the forests, and laugh at their misfortune. Other times who would kidnap people, keeping them in his house for a time before letting them go again (most of the time).

Voyshörvoysya (Komi)
An evil spirit which would attack people at midnight.

Vundöm (Komi)
The spirit of the field to who bread is left in order to gain a good harvest. In order to keep this spirit in the field the last sheaf of rye was left unthreshed, instead it was brought to the barn  where the Vundöm would remain until spring, when they would be released back into the field.

Waff (Yorkshire)
an omen of death or an instrument for saving lives.

Wag By the Way
A friendly fairy which appears as an old man.

Wampir (Poland)
Vampires with elongated canines, regeneration powers, hypnosis, sensitive ears, and unusual speed and strength. They tended to attack their family first when they rose from the grave. People who were left handed, had red hair, one eyebrow, a double set of teeth were more likely to become wampir.

Wee Willie Winkie
A fairy which helps people get to sleep.

Wewe (Indonesia)
A boogie man figure which kidnaps children. They appear as an old woman with large wrinkled breasts which dangle down to the ground.

White Lakes (Thvinian)
Shamans helpers were the 'grim owners of the forest' they were protectors of the shaman when he battled evil spirits

Whuppity Storie (Scottish)
A version of Rumpelstiltskin

Wiły (Poland)
Young female fairies which inhabited forests, mountains, rivers and lakes. They are able to ride the clouds and move them aside to look down at the earth. They often live in small groups of beautiful winged girls with light, almost transparent bodies. They appear naked or occasionally wearing short dresses. They can also shapeshift to appear as a horse, swan, hawk, wolf, or whilwind.
They helped young men to find love, warned people when storms were coming, told the future for people, helped needy farmers. But were internally dualistic as well for they could cause storms, drought, hail, and so forth. They could also cause blindness, insanity, or impossible to satisfy cravings in people.

Those who walk Widder Shins around a sacred place can find themselves trapped in the fairy realm. 

Wicht (German)
Small, weak little fairies which are spoken of as being childlike.

Wildiu Wip
A name for wood Wives

Wilkie (Orkney)
Of two burial mounds (in one of which an urn was found) near Pier-o-wall, Westray, known as Wilkie's Knolls'] the Orcadians can give no information who this Wilkie was. But there is a tradition prevalent that all the natives of Westray were in the habit of dedicating to him daily a certain pro- portion of milk. This milk was poured into a hole in the centre of one of the tumuli. It is also said that if any either refused or neglected to give him this portion of milk, that their clothes or other articles which might be exposed, would be stolen ; that they, and their cattle, would be in danger of being inflicted with disease, while their houses would be haunted by him. The natives still seem much afraid for Wilkie's influence, although they no longer dedicate to him oblations of milk. It is still customary for the natives to frighten their children to silence by telling them that "Wilkie's coming." — M.S. Letter by J. Paterson on Orkney Antiquities, dated 1833, in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Will o the Wisp'-the-wisp

Witte Wieven (Netherlands)
The spirits of wise women who remained on earth to help people.

Wood Wives
Little fairies who live in the forest and can often bring luck to men, while also trading with them bread for objects that turn into gold.

Xana (Spain)
A female fairy of great beauty, they live in fountains, rivers, water falls or any wilderness region with pure water.  They hate the impure and will attack these, often driving them insane.

Xaya Iccita (Yakut)
Spirit god of the mountains

Yallery Brown
A strange little hairy fairy (read the fairy tale)

Yamabito (Japan)
Wild Mountain people

Yamamba (Japan)
A being of the mountains she can appear as a hag with white hair and a mouth as wide as their ears or a beautiful black haired young woman who is dressed in rags or naked and is often carrying a child. Those who see her are cursed with bad luck. They will often seek out and hunt down children, to eat. They appreciate courage and in one case when a girl kept demanding to stay with an old witch in the woods she gave her the gift of a cloak which allowed her to change form and cause food to appear.

Yanagibaba (Japan)
A hag of the willow trees which will take on the form of a beautiful woman to lure young men to her.

Yanagionno (Japan)
The spirit of willow trees which are often times the ghosts of young woman with broken hearts. She may at times kidnap young men to replace those she has lost. She is dangerous and will kill those who try to interfere with her plans.

Yarylo (Eastern Slavic)
A figure associated with the idea of fertility (spring and sexual power) They represented in rituals as dolls made of straw. They would be put into a coffin and carried to an old man who was dressed in rags as people acted as though they were morning. They would bury it in the field and soon morning would be followed by  erotic innuendo and dirty jokes. It was than said that it would come back to life and when it did so the fields would revive as well.

Yekyua (Yakut)
Each yekyua is associated with a particular animal with the type of animal determining the strength of the yekyua. The Yekyua would act as familiar spirits to protect the yakut shaman. Among the Yekyua dogs had very little power while elk are very powerful. Further some yekyua come with greater costs, such that the dog yekyua will gnaw away at the shaman and destroy his body, causing him to become ill. Most yekyua protect the shaman, however. Only shamans can see the yekyua. At times the shaman will put their own soul into their yekyua, which makes the shaman vulnerable as they will die if the yekyua dies. This allows the shaman to travel through the other worlds more easily, however.
Each spring the yekyua emerge as the snow melsts and begin to fight which in turn causes the shaman to feel ill.

Yina'mna'ut (Yakut)
Female spirits of the fog and mist.

Ynia'mtilan (Yakut)
Male spirits of the fog and mist.

Yoma (Komi)
A duelistic forest witch which is sort of a cross between Baba Yaga and Holda

Yot Ichchite (Yakut)
Spirit of the hearth fire which were fed morsals of food. The bride would offer the Yot Ichchite of  her grooms family some food in order to honor it.

Yukinko (Japan)
A young snow girl who wonders in the storm crying.

Zalozhnye pokoy̆nyky (Slavic)
People who died an unnatural death (Such as from alcoholism, drowning, wizards, witches, suicide, umbaptized children). Thus such people were considered unclean and were buried at crossroads, boarders of fields, in the woods, swamps, ravines, or just outside the fence of a church yard. These dead had the ability to cause droughts, or cause suffocation. in those who passed near where they were buried.

Zână (Romania)
Good fairies whcih give life to fetuses in utero and bestow great gifts on them such as beauty, kindness, lukc, dance, etc. Though if they are upset they can also curse people.

Zburătorul (Romania)
An evil spirit who torments unmarried and recently married women int heir sleeps. They are considered to be the personification of the emotions a man who had intense love for the girl but which were rejected to them. Thus they haunt her.

The Fire Bird

Zorilă (Romania)
The personification of dawn.

Zlydni (Ukraine)
A spirit which brings poverty to a house hold. They appear as small starving old men whcih huddle in the corner near the stove, or may sit on a persons shoulders.

Zmeu (Romania)
An anthromorphic monster with legs and arms with which it holds swords. It flies through the sky and spits fire. It likes beautiful girls and often kidnaps them in order to marry them, thus prompting a knight onto their quest.

Russian Three-headed dragons.

Zolotaya Baba (Kami)
Was an idol in the form of a statue of an old woman with a baby, or a number of children. Or at times a younger woman was depicted.

Zwerg (German)
The name for dwarves in Germany, and so it was seven Zwerg which Snow White encountered.