Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fairy List: A - C

Ty Hulse's list of fairies, is the largest ever expanding encyclopedia of fairies and fairy like beings online.

Or on Google Play Books  "Fairy Encyclopedia" 

Fairy List

A-C      D-F      G-J     K-N      O-S      T-Z

Abaasy or Abaahy (Yakuts)
Evil spirits of the long departed dead, the Abassy come from the Kingdom of Darkness (the underworld) to collect the souls of people and animals as food for their lord Arson Doulai. In the mortal world they tend to dwell in desolated places such as abandoned grave yards, or deserted villages. They ride two headed dragons through the sky in search of their next victims. 

They themselves often appear as either humans (sometimes children), or one eyed, one armed, one legged monsters. 

They are one of the most common foes for shamans among the Yakuts, and typically must be tricked and ambushed in order to be defeated. However, most often the shaman will try to bribe them by offering them sacrifices of dogs, reindeer, or other animals to leave people and important livestock alone.

Abumikuchi (Yokai) (Japan)
A tsukumo-gami (object which whose spirit has come to life) which is the stirrup of a soldier who had an arrow shot through his leg and into his stirrup. This in turn imbues the stirrup with life making this a good first Japanese being to discuss, for one of the most interesting things about Japan is the fact that many things can be imbued with life and personality. One of the more interesting creatures in Japanese folklore are ancient bowls which help poor boys people become master thieves.

 (Yokai) (Japan)
Spirits which appear as infants and who can turn into fireballs by drinking the oil from lanterns
Adern Y Corph (Welsh Fairy)
A death portent in the form of a bird which sings outside the door of a person who’s going to die. 

Aengus (Irish)
“men call me the Young. I am the sunlight in the heart, the moonlight in the mind; I am the light at the end of every dream, the voice for ever calling to come away; I am desire beyond joy or tears. Come with me, come with me: I will make you immortal; for my palace opens into the Gardens of the Sun” 
Extracted from “Fairy Faith in the Celtic Lands” by Wentz
One of the Tuatha De Danann who became an important part of the folk religions of Ireland and who's home appears to have been one of the places fairies lived.

Afanc (Welsh)
There are a number of different tales of the Afanc which either describe it as a water demon or a creature that looks like a mix between crocodile and beaver. In all cases, however, it was a dangerous creature which would prey on those who went into its lake and it's stories had female shaman figures who helped people defeat it.

Aghoy (Philippines)
Appearing as beautiful humans they are forest dwellers. They come out of the forests at night to cause mild mischief such as moving things around or occasionally taking food. They are friendly, however, and will guide people to things which the person has lost. Further they will provide humans medical herbs. 

Agnuuriin ongon (Mongolia)
An Ongon which helps with hunting. (See Ongon)

Aillan Mac Midhna (Irish)
A Tuatha De Danann Musician who would come out on Samhain Day and lull people to sleep with his music before breathing fire to burn up Tara (thus killing everyone there).

Aine (Irish)
A Fairy Goddess and a member of the Tuatha De Dannan.

Ainsel (England)
A Fairy Girl in Northern England, she's rambunctious and a bit of a show off. Always seeking playmates, in lore she comes down the chimney of a little boy (which she's not supposed to do) and plays with him. She has the ability to make soot move about like little animals in this tale, allowing her and the boy to play little games with her illusions.

Ai Toyon (Yakut)
The god of light which is usually depicted as an eagle perched atop the world tree.

Ajarai Buhe (Mongolia)
The spirit of the Lena River. Shamans and people would make offerings to her and invoke her for blessings and protection.

Ajatar (Finland)
Female spirit of the forest which can appear as a dragon or a giant snake. She is the mother of disease and serpents whom she suckles. Any looking upon her becoming ill.

Aj Kaltas (Khanty)
A spirit which protects pregnant woman.

Akajita (Japan)
A large black cloud with the face of a dog which has a long red tongue which grows angry at villages who create irrigation systems which prevent other villages from getting enough water.

Akaname (Yokai) (Kami)
A goblin with a frog like face, long black hair, and sharp claws which appears in unkempt bathrooms and licks unclean surfaces with it's long tongue. '

Akarinashi (Yokai) (Japan)
A soba cart pushed by some invisible force which would bring bad luck to those who tried to order from it.

Akelarre (Basque)

Spirit deity of various plants such as turnips, cabbage, flax and peas. 

Akka (Finland)
A female spirit often mentioned in song prayers in peoples request for help. Among other things she helps women to successfully carry their child and give birth.

Albasta (Mari-El)
The spirit of the bathhouse, a shape changer it may appear as a man or as a women or as an animal, yet it travels in the form of a sparkling shooting star. They have a strong relation to the forest spirits living in the swamps and ravines and at times are said to be the same beings which have chosen to move into people's bath houses. They often attempt to have sexual relations with humans and their kiss is the cause of cold sores. Yet at the same time they punish sexual impurity in women and men by killing or sickening them. 
Its power is conanted the little finger of its left hand which if broken causes it to loose all its magical power.Albys (Tuvan)
Spirits which fly with a rustling sound. They go forth and act as spies for the shamans in the other worlds. In this way they are often used to find out which spirits have caused a person to become sick, who has stolen someones soul, which evil spirits are causing floods, etc..

Alfar (Nordic)
Somewhat akin to elves of Saxon lore Alfar are closely related to the Aesir and Vanir, the deities of Nordic mythology. They are bound together with marriage and covenants.

Al Lukh Mas (Yakut)
Are the spirits of large trees. Such spirits of the forests were very important and were given coins, scarves and ribbons in order to bring luck and to avoid their wrath.

Alkonost (Russian)
Birds with the heads  of women.

Aloja (Spain)
Female water fairies which can turn into black birds.

Alp (German)
A shape changer which is likely related to the elves of Saxon lore.

Altai Aab (Mongolia)
A powerful Gazrinn Ezen (spirit owner) of a mountain in the Altai region. Shamans always pay their respects to him first when they travel to this region.

Altain Protector Spirits (Altain)
A spirit which the shaman called on for help and which would give the shaman information on what was happening, such as why someone was sick. They would also give the shaman advice advice on how to deal with another spirit. Further they would protect the shaman from danger and when the shaman sent his soul traveling into the other world. These spirits could include ancestral spirits, animal spirits, and spirits which were given as gifts to the shaman by deities, or which to be involved with humanity for a number of different reasons.

Altain tutelary spirit (Altaian)
Each family had a spirit which helped to protect them and before beginning a ritual to cure a persons illness the shaman would ask this spirit for help. To do this wine would be sprinkled on the image of the spirit and prayers said.

Alver (Sweden)
Beautiful supernatural beings who almost always appear in groups. Often considered to be divine beings which are equal to the deities. There are two types of Alver; the ljósálfar who live in the sky and are fairer than the sun, and the døkkálfar who live in the earth and are blacker than pitch.

Amalur (Basque)
An earth godess in Basque mythology. She is a creator deity , creating the moon, sun, and many plants. 

Ama No Uzume (Kami) (Japan)
Kami of the Dawn

Amaterasu Omikami (Kami) (Japan)
Kami of the sun and ancestor of the Emperor of Japan

Amazakebaba (Japan) (Yokai)
A hag which goes from door to door asking for sake and curses any who speak to her with illness. 

Amefurikozo (Japan) (Kami)
A spirit in the service of Ushi, the Chinese Shin of the Rain, who causes it to rain and than plays in the puddles while holding an umbrella and a paper lantern.

Ameonna (Japan) (Kami)
A Japanese version of a Chinese Mountain Shin who appears as a cloud in the morning and evening, she brings rain to help farmers and others who ask for rain. While it is raining thus she often stands in the rain licking the falling water off her hand.

Anda Bars (Buryat)
The tiger whose spirit is prayed to for good hunting.

Anguana (Italy)
Female water spirits similar to the nymphs (and which likely come from stories of these beings). They typically live in Alpine areas. As with nymphs they are very attractive young women who use their beauty to seduce men, but at times they may appear as half girls, half reptile or half fish. In other stories they appear as thin ghostly figures which disappear before their faces can be seen by anyone approaching them. They typically dress in white or bright warm colors (or in rare cases black). In addition they typically have a none human trait such as the foot of a chicken, a duck, or goat or they might have scaly legs. or a hollow back filled with moss. 
They  are protective of water ways and those fishermen who treat them with respect. And like the nymphs they also were said to have taught people traditional crafts such as spinning, cheese making, salt, sugar, glass blowing, or other arts. 
As with all such fairies they are also mischievous as well, loving to watch the results of spreading discord among travelers at night, especially in woman. Along with this they love gossip and secrets which they can use to spread such discord. Though despite this playfulness they are sensitive such that if you insult them they will bring ill luck so care must be taken when dealing with them. 

Anjana (Spain)
A female fairy creature which foils evil beings. They live in the forest and rest on sides of banks where they can speak with the water. They also often  help injured animals and plants.

Annikki (Finland)
The gift giver, (mentioned in song with little information)

Aoandon (Japan) (Yokai)
A blue faced spirit which haunts people who have finished telling ghost stories.

Aoboxo (Japan) 
A humanoid spirit with a single eye who protects the crops from children by carrying them off.

Apple Tree Man (England)
Lives within the oldest tree in an apple orchard and helps the fruit to ripen well so that there is a good crop. Often the last apple was left in the orchard for him, I would speculate that this is because people believe he resided in the last picked apples the way spirits of the grain resided in the last cut grain.

Aren patər (Mari-El)
A keremet (a nature spirit of a great person) which was a hero who fought against the Taatars. The Mari at his home town sacrifice a horse in his grove to ask him to prevent sickness.Arinkolduk (Even)
Evil spirit of the lower world which causes illness and misfortune such as an unsuccessful hunt 

Armee Furieuse (Swiss)
The wild hunt

Arsan Duolai (Yakut)
God of the underworld, his servants are tasked with the collection of cattle and horses for sacrifices

Arzhaan (Tuvan)
The spirit of water which gets angry if it is defiled. Arzhaan are also used to purify things, and aid in the banishment of evil spirits.

As Iki (Khanty)
A spirit which appears to be a bit like an old man, except that he has transparent eyes. He lives in a transparent house under the water a the mouth of the Ob River. Here he directs the affairs of the river, and should people offer him sacrifices he will send lots of fish up the river.

Askefrue (German)
Tree Fairies

Asrai (England)
A beautiful water fairy which baths in moonlight, and is so fragile that if sunlight touches them they turn into water. See:

Aswang (Philippines)
Shapeshifters who are human-like by day but transform into different monstrous forms to harass and eat humans at night, especially pregnant women. Some common forms include a bat, a pig or a black dog. Some aswangs can change form at will, others through the use of foul oils concocted by evil magicians. Aswangs appear at night to prey upon unwary travelers or sleeping people. It is said that they have a peculiar liking for human livers and human fetus. They are said to find their quarry by the scent of the mother, which to the aswang smells like ripe jackfruit. Upon finding the house of the pregnant mother, the aswang alights on the roof from where it stretches its tongue until it is as thin as a thread and uses it to enter the womb and feast on the fetus.The myth of the Aswang is popular in the Visayas, especially in provinces such as Capiz, Antique, and Iloilo. 

Atago Gongen (Japan) (Yokai turned Kami)
Some time just after 700 AD when Japan was still wild the capital city of Heiankyo (Kyoto) was being troubled repeatedly by a wild flock of tengu who lived on Mount Atago. The situation got so bad that Emperor Manmu sent two of the most famous sages of the day (En No Gyoja and Taicho) to clear the tengu from the mountains.
After battling the tengu with their powers for some time the two sages finally encountered the most powerful tengu of the mountain, Tarobo, and forced him to surrender. As part of the terms of his surrender he became a protector of the mountain and against fire. Thus he protects homes from burning and children from being burnt. He also became a protector of the capital of Japan as well. (Read tales about tengu)

Athach (Scotland)
A general term for giant Scottish monster

Attorcroppe (Saxon)
Snake Man

Aughisky (Irish)
A dangerous water creature which appears as a horse.

Aitvaras (Lithuania)
Able to be a house hold fairy which took the form of a rooster or a dragon.

Awd Goggie (England)
Possibly a warning tale to keep children from wondering into orchards alone the Awd Goggie inhabits Fruit Orchards where it will attack children. 

Ayysyt (Yakut)
Goddess of fertility who provides each new born child with a soul. She was believed to live on a mountain top in a house with seven stories from which she controlled the fate of the world. 

Aza (Thvinian)
A spirit with a forked tongue who is quick witted. Shamans would ask them to not disturb sleeping children or frighten livestock.

Azukiarui (Japan)
A spirit which appears as a big eyed old lady washing azuki beans while singing a song to herself which asks 'Should I wash these beans or eat a person.” Though usually if a person approach her she will flee in fear. She could be dangerous at times, seeking to kidnap people in the night.

Baba Dochia (Romania)
An old woman who acts as the bringer of spring when she goes out with her heard of sheep or goats.

Baba Yaga (Russia)
A powerful  Russian witch  which may be a remnant of Russia's fairy faith as being related to the wind or the moon.

A form of boogie man who wears a hooded heavy black cloak which hides his face.

Bäckahäst (Sweden)
A water horse which would lure people to ride on it at which point it would run into the water to drown them. It could be stopped by throwing a piece of steel in its way.

Bagiennik (Russia)
A water monster which spews hot oily liquid from its body.

Bai baiania (Yukat)
God of the forest and happiness.

Bai Karshyt (Altaian)
Protective spirit refered to as Three stepped. He was the son of th Ul'gen. (See Altaian Protector Spirits)

Bajang (Malaysia)
A familiar spirit which is acuired by a male who says the proper incantations of the newly buried body of a stillborn child. The Bajang possesses people whom it's master chooses, causing convulsions, unconsciousness or delirium. In order to protect children from this harm metal objects would be placed near the babies.In exchange for services the bajang's master will often feed it eggs and milk. Should the bajang's master not treat it well it would turn on him.

Bakeneko (Japan)
Cats which can be shapeshifting vampires and monsters or protectors of people.

Bakezori (Japan)
The spirit of a straw sandal which grows  eyes and limbs and scurries about the house at night.

Banniha (Slavic)
A Bannik in female form.

Bannik (Russia)
The spirit of the bathhouse, one of the most sacred spaces in pagan Russia.

Banshee (Irish)
The good spirit of a woman who stays behind to watch over her family. As such she begins to wail and cry when a family member is about to die.

Baobhan Sith (Scotland)
A beautiful women in a green dress who lives in the wilderness using their beauty to seduce victims who they devour.

Ba ösh (Komi)
A strange creature which has four legs and the torso of a naked human. They live in the wait, coming out to walk on the beach. Sometimes they take the form of a small object such as a seed in order to be swallowed by a swimmer so that he can begin to grow as a fetus inside the person. Occasionally they may rise up to the persons throat and begin to choke them.

Barbegazi (Austria)
Dwarf like creatures which have white fur, a long beard and enormous feet. They travel through the mountains by skiing with their large feet or using them as snowshoes. In the summer they live in caves and tunnels and don't come out until winter time. Because they live so high in the mountains in winter time people rarely ever see them. Though sometimes they will aid shepherds in rounding up lost sheep, dig people out of avalanches, or whistle to warn people of avalanches. They also love to surf on avalanches with their large feet.

Barguest (England)
A spirit which haunts cities and the countryside in a number of different terrifying forms.

Barisaa (Mongolia)
A powerful prayer tree which brings peace and reduces violence by calming people and giving them peaceful thoughts. The Barisaa could also give people inspiration. Barisaa come into being when shamans perform the ariulga, a ritual to cleans the tree and people of evil spirits.

Basan (Japan)
A giant fire breathing rooster which dwells in thick bamboo groves and wakes people up at night by making noises in their villages, though the Basan itself is mostly harmless.

Basadone (Italy)
The Personification of the wind. They are good nature spirits which appear as nimble humans and float up on breezes.. They often protect children during a storm. He is attended by funny and somewhat ugly servants with whom he roams through fields.

Basajaun (Basque)
A hairy giant which dwells in the forest,s where it protects livestock and taught humans skills such as agriculture and iron working.

Bauchan (Scotland)
A form of hairy house fairy

Bayan Ahaa or Bayan Hangai (Mongolia)
A spirit who rules over the forest, and so is the one hunters often pray to for success. Their figures are often carved into the sides of trees, sticks, or snowman's faces. People are careful not to throw things into the woods as this might insult the Bayan Ahaa and cause him to curse the person.

Bayanai (Yakut)
Lord of the forest who has to be appeased in order to hunt.

Bazaloshtsh (German)
Germanic name for a banshee like being which cries beneath the windows of those about to die.

Bean-nighe (Scotland)
A fairy which appears as an old Lady and washes the clothes of those about to die so that they look presentable when they go to Heavan.

Bear, Bull and Fish Spirits (Yakut)
When the shaman's figures of sprinkled with reindeer blood these spirits would become animated and transform into the shaman's helper spirits. These would than go into the underworld at the command of the shaman. They would than help him catch the evil spirit responsible for a persons illness.

Beithir (Scotland)
A monster which haunts mines

Bendith y Mamau (Welsh)
Name for Fairies in Wales

Berchta (German)
A white robed female spirit who oversees weaving and spinning in south Germany. She like Holda often leads the wild hunt as well. She has one goose or swan foot like many other fairies of that region.

Hearth mother type spirit.

Betobetosan (Japan)
A mischievous typically invisible spirit which walks behind people making the sound of footsteps to creep them out. Though it's also possible that the Betobetosan is simply following people to use their lanterns light as someone asked the spirit to pass him, to which the Betobetosan responded that it was too dark to walk without light, so the man lent the spirit his lantern which he found by his house the next day.

Bieluch (Poland)
The legendary guardian of an underground vault where it protects hidden treasures. He emerges from the darkness in order to scare thieves. 

Bergresar (Nordic)
One of the oldest races of beings in the world, and distant relatives of trolls. They are enormously strong and very fast, and massive in size. Those who see them often become poets, speaking of their great beauty and gilded armor. They hate church bells and will often thrown large rocks to destroy churches. They are not always hostile but they don't like ljusalfer (light elves), humans, or deities. To these they can be dangerous. Being knowledgeable of magic they are able to create illusions that even fool the gods. They represent the wild primeval powers of chaos and seek to overthrow the gods. Though some of them have relationships with the gods, including marriage. They can be mercenaries in order to raise money for the castles, and they love to party, play games and hunt. 

Bergsrået (Nordic)
Nature spirits who live in family groups or even in large courts in the mountains. They typically work to make it difficult for miners to obtain minerals by confusing them. Though they aren't entirely opposed to human presence as the will often have sexual relations with them. This, however, was greatly frowned upon by the people of the era. In 1671 a farmhand fell asleep in the woods and awoke to find a woman dressed in white, she gave him food and drink and than had sex with him, and for this the man was condemned to death by the people of his village. 

Biergmand, Biergfolk, Biergtrold (Denmark) 
Dwarf like beings which are able to slip into impossibly small cracks and crevices of hills so the seem to vanish or appear suddenly.  

Biersal (German)
A house fairy which specializes in keeping the cellar clean and in order and demands some beer in return for this.

Evil spirits associated with the devil

Billy Blind (England)
The name of a house fairy which gives advice to a young man.

Billy Winker
The sprite that closes the eyes of children at bedtime.

Bishamon (Japan)
One of the Shichi Fukujinor, and the patron of great learning and knowledge.

Black Annis
A hag which eats children, but may also be a former goddess, or the aggressive soul of an internally duelistic goddess.

Black Dogs
A nocturnal Spirit

Blue Burches
The name of a household fairy.

Blue Cap
A fairy which live in mines and appears as small blue flames. If the miners treat them well these fairies well lead them to mineral deposits.

Blue Men of Minch (Scotland)
Blue skinned men who live in in the ocean around islands. They would cause storms and wreck ships but a captain who was good at poetry could keep them at bay.

“In point are the demons which were said to haunt particular families as their good or evil genius. The family of Rothiemurchus was said to have been haunted by Bodach,” 
“The Earl of E , a nobleman alike beloved and respected in Scotland, and whose death was truly felt as a national loss, was playing on the day of his decease on the links of St. Andrews at the national game of golf. Suddenly he stopped in the middle of a game, saying, " I can play no longer, there is the Bodach Glas, I have seen it for the third time ; something fearful is going to befall me." He died that night..” 
The Bodach would also enter the household through the chimney to torment children.

Bodca an Dun
The name of a death porteint for the family of Eothmarchas

Bodachan Sabhaill
A fairy of the farmstead which appeared as an old man and would help with the harvest.

Boeman (Netherlands)
A form of boogie man in the Netherlands which can hide under beds or in basements, they also often have the power to change their shape.

A spirit which haunts houses.

Bogey Beast
A general name for mischievous fairy creatures. In one fairy tale it takes the place of the Hedley Kow in the story. (see Hedley Kow)

Bokhsuruiuu (Yakut)
Evil illness causing spirits with a slender waist and jagged fangs. They stole people's souls (causing the person to become deathly ill), believing that it was their right to eat human souls as they were descended from deities. But the shaman could negotiate with them and convince them to leave if an offering was made (often the offering had to be provided at sunset and could  include a sacrifice. Such negotiation was actually an negotiation with each side barginning what the prices should be). At times the shaman would get the Bokhsuruiuu to return a persons soul through trickery, or by stealing it.

Boogie Man 
A general name for a creature which haunts children.

Boginki (Poland)
The personification of natural forces which live in swamps, lakes, rivers, forests and mountains. Some say they are woman who died in childbirth, suicide, or who murdered their own children. They can either appear as ugly old women with sagging breasts and large heads or beautiful young girls. They often delighted in startling horses and cattle which came to drink in the pools where they lived. They also destroyed fishing nets and causted similar mischief) Like other fairies they also would take children as changlings and could be given offerings to help control natural events for the better.

Bogles (Britain)
A mischievous and occasionally dangerous goblin, though at times they can also be guardian spirits.

Boobrie (Scotland)
A Magical water bird of Scotland.

Ворса (Komi)
The bopca could appear as a giant (often nude) with shaggy ears though he could also appear as a whirlwind, however, he was a shapeshifter and would often take the form of a cat or other small animals.
They would often steal the catch from hunters or attack them, unless the hunter made offerings to him (such as tobacco), in return for which the bopca might even tell the hunter where to find game.
He could lure people into the woods, and cause them to get lost. Sometimes he would give people riddles which they had to solve to be able to return home. Other times he simply kidnapped them, often taking children. Those taken by him aged rapidly, thus a child taken might return a few years later as an old man. Other times they would kidnap women to make them his wife.
The Bopca were also in constant war with the vakula water spirits, thus it was dangerous for people to come out at noon when these two powerful forces would fight each other.

Bozalosc (Russia)
The spirit of the elder tree which acts as a banshee like figure.

A mischievous Shape Changer

A strange formless creature with only a mouth and eyes and a limited vocabulary. 

Brown Man of the Muirs
The lord of the animals of the moorlands.

Browney (Cornish)
A spirit of the farm which cares for the bees and gets them to fertilize the fields.The Cornish Browney .

A common name for a house fairy

A storm spirit which lives in mines and caves

Buffardello (Italy)
A one and a half foot tall anthropomorphic goblin like creature. They dress in red clothes, or just a red cap and pointed shoes. Some appear as children other appear as old with beards. They often sit in trees or the hay, although they are typically invisible. They live in nut trees and on occasion buildings.
The buffardello loves to tease people and animals, and spends much of it's time teasing peoples pets. They also like to bounce and play on peoples chests while they are asleep which causes the people to feel like they are suffocating. They may also hold people down and put their hand in peoples mouths in order to scare them. Additional mischief included hiding or moving objects, turniff of lights, tearing wall paper, cutting peoples hair and beards into patches, undoing bundles of cloth. Further they can be heard scampering around the houses at night, especially running up and down stairs.
In addition to mischief they often also steal from mankind, including  wine, hay, laundry, milk (including that directly from cows). They may also suck the blood of animals, ultimately killing them. At times they may also take the beauty of girls. 
They have many magical properties associated with them including the power to control the wind.

Buggane  (Manx)
A monstrous Creature which is unable to cross water

Bugul Noz (Brittany)
Known as the "Children of the night" or the "shepherd of the night." Bugul Noz is a horrifying looking goblin which takes the form of a wolf through the use of a magical pelt which they wear. The Bugul Noz is at the peak of his power at midnight and travels woodland paths his horrifying face hidden by a giant hat and a large cloak. As he approaches people he grows slowly larger with each step so that when they get to him he is very terrifying. 
In other stories he is a werewolf who takes children and hides them in his hat. As such he has also become a boogie man figure which parents would use to scare their children into being good with. They are driven away by wind.

Buk (Tuvan)
Evil spirits which cause people to grow ill. Shamans and their helper spirits would have to chase from those whom they made ill. But buk could be stubern and it might be difficult to ge thtem to stay away.

A spirit which punishes bad children and bad servents.

Bungisngis (Philippines)
A happy, laughing one eyed giant which lives in the forest. He has large teeth which allways poke out through his upper lip. In addition he has two large tusks coming out of the side of his mouth. He is very strong but is prone to panic and is easily outwitted.

Bunian (Malasyia)
Fairy like spirits which live in large communities that resemble those of humans. They tend to live in the jungle, away from human contact. though they do sometimes live in humans homes. They can be troublessome, causing people to get lost or at times kidnap children from humans. 
They will at times build good relationships with humans, at times even marrying them. Though those who go into their realm may only be their for a few days but in the human realm decades have passed. 

Burber (Mari-El)
They are the souls of corpses which walk about the world at night. They often appear as a fire or shooting star like object flying through the air. They can also take human  or bird form with long hair as a women or a long beard as a man or a long beak. Like vampires they suck blood of people, but they also suck the life out of trees. 
To kill it people beat the burber with sticks from an ash tree and then burn it while putting the stone from the craw of a hen it the corpses mouth so that its soul cannot escape in the form of a butterfly to cause further evil. 
Horseshoes at the threshold protect against the burber.
As with many folkloric creatures of the countryside it sucks the milk from cattle and the mill of a cow which has been visited by a burber contains blood, grin, or some other impurity. 
To suck the blood of a human they kiss them and then suck the blood out of their victims mouths. They also become the lovers of humans and then cause them so much heartache that they cause the humans to die. In addition to emotional attacks and blood they also eat eyes and will attack people from within, entering peoples stomach or the wombs of pregnant women and animals in order to kill the fetus
The burber will possess humans to get them to do evil, and the human thinks that they are having a series of nightmares. Bura Khan (Altaian)
Protective spirit referred to as 'Cloudy eyed' in songs. (See Altain Protective Spirits)

Burhan (Buryat)
A female spirit of a lake to whom people make offerings in return for protection against dangers while fishing. 

Burkhan (Mongolia)
A powerufl spirit which most shamans can't control but they can be negotiated with in order to leave people alone when they cause illness.

But Aba (water mother) (Mari-El)
When people need rain they gather at the bank of the river and playfully throw water at eachother and animals especially those of black sheep and black hens. Then porridge is either offered to the river and then eaten by all those arround, or in other places a black oxen or sheep is eaten on the river bank with the uneaten parts being sunk in the river after the feast.
Should too much rain fall as a resault of thise thse remains are taken out.
The But aba helps to maintain the quality of the water, if the water becomes muddied or bad tasting people attempt to purify it by offering porridge.
The Mari bride must be introduced to the but aba of her new home, and so must be accompanied by someone whom it already knows, where she will make an offering of a few coins or beads to it in order that it will protect her from any new illnesses from the strange water. 
There are two different beleifs about the büt aba with regards to fishing in one the the Mari will pour vodka and porridge into the water so that the büt aba will provide them with an aboundent catch. In the other however are very caful not to make any disturbance while fishing or else the offended büt aba will cause them to drown or curse them with illness. 
When swimming children are warned not to go into the deep parts of the water or the but aba may pull them down. But Bodəz (water spirit) (Mari-El)
A spirit of rivers and springs which causes a sore on the lips of those who drink directly from it, and a sore on the penis of those who urinate in it. He isalso known to cause ulcers

But ian udərzə (Mari-El)
A waterspirit that appears as a beautiful girl with white, yellor or black hair and is either finally dressed or naked. When a human touches it with iron it cannot escape and can be foresed to marry them. However if the human reveals the identity of his wife she will die.

Burlow-beanie (Cornish)
A spirit summoned by the Green Knight in a ballad about Arthur.

Bwbchod and Bwca  (Welsh Fairy)
The Bwabach or Boobach is a Welsh house fairy of the brownie arch type. Much like many other similar fairies he tends to do good deeds for those who treat him well by giving him cream, don’t try to look at him, or guess his name. When the Bwabach is mistreated they turn into a a poltergeist like being known as the bwca and after gaining revenge flee the house which they came from in search of a new home with people who will treat them properly. At times however they refuse to leave a place and so must be exercised.

Cailleach Bheur
The Hag of Winter

Căpcăun (Romania)
A red capped monster which kidnaps people.

Caranget (Philippines)
Small humanoid beings which are found in small mounds in forests and fields. They are helpful to shamans and will respond to them by making a wistling sound. They are very protective nature spirits and will curse those who harm their land.

Cat Sidhe (Scotland)
A fairy Cat

Căţelul Pământului (Romania)
Translating as earth dog, and it looks similar to this only with it's eyes hidden under some skin. The Căţelul Pământului acts as the gaurdian of cemetairies where he is able to slip into the smallest holes in the earth. At night he comes out and walks through the forests or investigates the corpses, biting the nose and ears off those who were not buried according to ancient tradition. His loud bark signals death or misfortune for those who hear it at night before the cocks crow.

Catkən (Mari-El)
When someone dies in the forest they can only go free when they kill another so they haunt the forest hoping to do this. They have cloaks which make them invisible and cause humans to get lost so that they may murder them.

Caoidheag (Scotland)
A fairy which washes the clothes of those about to die.

A spirit of the barn which torments those who are not supposed to be in the barn but helps the family to keep their sheep and other animals safe.

Cauld Lad of Hilton
A house fairy which also has much in common with a ghost

Ceasg (Scotland)
Half Woman/Half Salmon

Cenzi Aj Capte (Selkup Folklore)

The Shaggy Old Woman. she would lure people to her then shove their heads between her legs and beat their backs with her scourge so that they would become weak and sick.

Chavag Bazhy (Thvinian)
The name of one of the shaman's helper spirits. Shamans helpers were the 'grim owners of the forest' they were protectors of the shaman when he battled evil spirits.

Chimata No Kami (Japan)
A kami of roadways, paths, and crossroads. Represented by phallic shapped rocks on the side of the road. 

Chinju no mori (Japan)
The sacred groves in which kami dwell. These are the groves of trees around the shrines, with shrines being built in places that Kami dwell. This means that the chinju no mori is sacred in the way a church is sacred, not as a kami but as a place in which the kami can dwell. 

Chochinobake (Japan)
A paper lantern which gains life, a single eye, some limbs and a giant tongue.

Chopirako (Japan)
A spirit which appears as a beautiful child dressed in white which brings luck to old households. 

Chotgor (Mongolia)
Spirits which cause illness, some of them are the spirits of the dead who could not find their way into the underworld.

Chuhayster (Ukraine)
A jolly, cherful old spirit with a thick black or white hair, blue eyes. He spends much of his time singing and dancing and hunting mavok who have kidnapped people in order to destroy their evil. He can appear as a whirlwind and his so fast that no shoes can withstand his  speed. 
He is very protective keeping lumbejacks and other woodsmen safe from dangerous spirits and bear attacks. In return they would always leave him a little of their food. He in turn would often feed this to the animals as he was one of their protectors as well.

Chuiuk (Altaian)
Appearing as similar to a falcan or a gray eagle. He was the protector of a particular shaman as the head of the shamans ancestors.

Churn-milk Peg and Melsh Dick
Are wood-demons supposed to protect soft, unripe nuts from being gathered by naughty children, the former being wont to beguile her leisure by smoking a pipe.

Church Grim (Yorkshire)
Is a fixed inhabitant of the church by day and by night, and only ' marauds about ' in dark stormy weather. It has been known to toll the death- bell at midnight, and at times a priest officiating at a burial would see it sitting at a window in the church-tower, when he would be able to tell by the creature's aspect whether the soul of the departed was saved or lost.

Does nothing beyond making a noise by beating on empty cans.

Cluricaun (Irish)
Similar to a Leprechaun 

Coblynau  (Welsh Fairy)
A friendly fairy of Welsh mines which leads people to rich vains of ore, often by knocking where they should dig and which helps prevent cave ins.

Coleman Gray (Cornish)
A child Piskie briefly taken in by a human farmer.

Cow Enshrined (Japan) (Kami)
When a mans cow died as the resault of a fire the man enshrined the cow  in  a small shriine of clay tiles. He than prayed to the cow's spirit as a kami, making it offerings of small bundles of grass. Eventually word spread that the kami was good at curing skin ailments. This event represents Japan's folk religion, in which nearly any being can have power and so a relationship must be built with them. It seems likely (although it's not stated directly) that the man enshrined the cow because he wanted to avoid having it grow angry at having been killed in a fire caused by humans. It may also be, however, that the man was enshrining the cow because it was a good loyal friend.

Cowlug sprites
Fairies with ears like cows.

Cu Sith (Highland)
A large green dog

Cuegle (Spain)
A small super strong monster with five rows of teeth, a single horn, three eyes and three arms. They can be protected against with oak or holly leaves.

Cughtach (Manx)
Storm Bringers which Live in caves

Cyhyraeth  (Welsh Fairy)
A death portent spirit much like the banshee